Monday, November 30, 2009

POppinG danCe

Popping is a dance style and one of the original funk Styles dances that came out of Fresno,cA in the 1970s. It is based on the technique of quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in the dancer's body, referred to as a pop or a hit. This is done continuously to the rhythm of a song in combination with various movements and poses. Popping is also used as an umbrella term to refer to a group of closely related illusionary dance styles and techniques that are often integrated with popping to create a more varied performance . A popping dancer is commonly referred to as a popper.

Like other styles of street dance, popping is often performed in a battle trying to outperform another dancer or group of dancers in front of a crowd. This gives room for improvisation and moves that are seldom seen in shows and performances [also referred to as freestyling]. It also allows for interaction with the other contestants and spectators.

mAt REmpiT

A Mat Rempit is a MAlaysianterm for 'an individual who participates in'illigal racing, usually involving underbone motorcycles (colloquially known as kapcai) or scooters. Not all Mat Rempits are involved in street racing; some of them perform crazy stunts for fun, such as the wheelie, superman (lying flat on the seat), wikang, and scorpion (standing on the seat with one leg during a wheelie).

Mat Rempits usually travel in groups and race in bustling city centres on weekend nights. In recent times, Mat Rempits have been linked to gangsterism, gang robbery, street fighting, assault, vandalism, theft and bullying. Most motorcycles used by the Mat Rempits do not meet standard specifications, or have been modified extensively for greater speed, or just to make the exhaust noisier.

Additionally, some Mat Rempits do not have valid motorcycle licenses, do not pay road taxes, and ride stolen motocycles. A growing number of housing estates have also been turned into racing tracks. It is estimated that there are about 200,000 Mat Rempits in Malaysia.

In some other countries, the term Mat Rempit is also used, but more to refer to one as a motorcycle lover or rider (Mat Motor), as opposed to an illegal motorcycle racer. Sometime the terms of Mat Rempit misused to refer any individual who rides an underbone motorcycle. Related to this is the Mat Konvoi, which claim to be the non-racing version of Mat Rempit.

aUto sHOw

An auto show, or motorshow, is a public exhibition of current automobil models, debuts, concept car, or out-of-production classics. It is commonly attended by automobiles manufactures. Most auto shows occur once or twice a year. They are vital to car manufacturers and local dealers as a public relations exercise, for advertising products, and for increasing publicity.

There are other auto/car shows that occur on a more frequent basis, like weekly. It's not known if there is a regularly accepted term for these more frequent, informal "car rallies" or "car enthusiasts events". Some meeting events have themes, such as classic cars, hot rods, etc. In any case, these car gathering events are more localized, typically consisting of car enthusiasts who meet to socialize and enjoy their enthusiasm with other car owners.

The international d'automobils organisation organises many auto shows.

They are distinguishable from car shows in that auto shows typically showcase new or concept vehicles whereas car shows showcase custom, classic, or exotic cars. They also distinguish in that auto shows are almost always a major professional event whereas car shows can be either professional or amateur and many are locally organised. Auto shows always charge for admission whereas many cities have local, free car shows.


Although the use of a haka by the all blacks rugby union team has made one type of haka familiar, it has led to misconceptions. Haka are not exclusively war dances, nor are they only performed by men. Some are performed by women, others by mixed groups, and some simple haka are performed by children. Haka are performed for various reasons: for amusement, as a hearty welcome to distinguished guests, or to acknowledge great achievements or occasions (McLean 1996:46-47). War haka (peruperu) were originally performed by warriors before a battle, proclaiming their strength and prowess in order to intimidate the opposition. Today, haka constitute an integral part of formal or official welcome ceremonies for distinguished visitors or foreign dignitaries, serving to impart a sense of the importance of the occasion.

Various actions are employed in the course of a performance, including facial contortions such as showing the whites of the eyes and the poking out of the tongue, and a wide variety of vigorous body actions such as slapping the hands against the body and stamping of the feet. As well as chanted words, a variety of cries and grunts are used. Haka may be understood as a kind of symphony in which the different parts of the body represent many instruments. The hands, arms, legs, feet, voice, eyes, tongue and the body as a whole combine to express courage, annoyance, joy or other feelings relevant to the purpose of the occasion.


A muffin is a type of bread that is baked in small portions. Many forms are somewhat like small cake or cupcake in shape, although they usually are not as sweet as cupcakes and generally lack frosting. Savory varieties, such as muffins, also exist. They generally fit in the palm of an adult hand, and are intended to be consumed by an individual in a single sitting.

In commonwealth countries muffin can also refer to a disk-shaped .English muffin As American-style muffins are also sold in Commonwealth countries, the term muffin can refer to either product, with the context usually making clear which is meant.

There are many varieties and flavors of muffins made with a specific ingredient such as blueberries, chocolate chips, cucumbers, raspberry, cinnamon, pumpkin, date, nut, lemon, banana, orange, peach, strawberry, boysenberry, almond, and carrot, baked into the muffin. Muffins are often eaten for breakfast; alternatively, they may be served for tea or at other meals.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

jusT three Words

There's only one thing to say ...
Those three words ,
I Love You ...

You Are my everything that i want ..
its all about you ...
everything about you ..

Honey I Miss you ...
And i will never let you go ..
I wanna hug you ..
I miss your kisses ..

i Love you ..
Yes i do ...
i be with you as long as you want me too ..
Until the end of time ...

I Wanna Be with you foR ever ..

food n cheff

Cooking is the process of preparing food by applying heat or fire. Cooks select and combine ingredients, texture, appearance. Cooking techniques and ingredients vary widely across the world, reflecting unique environmental, economic, and cultural traditions. Cooks themselves also vary widely in skill and training.

Preparing food with heat or fire is an activity unique to human beings, and some scientists believe the advent of cooking played an important role in human evolution. Most anthropologists believe that cooking fires first developed around 250,000 years ago. The development of agriculture and trade across civilizations offered cooks many new ingredients. New inventions and technologies, such as pottery for holding and boiling water, expanded cooking techniques. Some modern cooks apply advanced scientific techniques to food preparation.

Actually,cooking is one branch of arts.cooks need alot of arts.cooks also need alot of attention.that's mean,not easy to be a cheff..only the choosen one can be cheff.

Friday, November 27, 2009


my plaCe

I don't know what I want, so don't ask me
Cause I'm still trying to figure it out
Don't know what's down this road, I'm just walking
Trying to see through the rain coming down
Even though I'm not the only one
Who feels the way I do

I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
I'm just a boy, trying to find a place in
This world

Got the radio on, my old blue jeans
And I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve
Feeling lucky today, got the sunshine
Could you tell me what more do I need
And tomorrow's just a mystery, oh yeah
But that's ok

Maybe I'm just a Boy on a mission
But I'm ready to fly by myself

vAlUe Of FriendShiP

I had my own beliefs on friendship. I believed that in order to have a true friendship with someone there must be all honesty and truth. If there isn’t, then this isn’t a true friendship. In that case, friends must be one hundred percent honest with each other and put one hundred percent of their trust in the other person. I also believed that for people to be friends with another person, they must do things without the expectation that their friend will have to repay them. I also believes that if a friend is about to do something wrong, and something that goes against your morals, you shouldn’t compromise your morals. You must explain why what they are going to do is wrong, and help them to see what the right thing to do is, because I believes that ignorance is the cause of evil. Finally the last thing that I believed was that the reason that a friendship comes to an end is because one person in that friendship has become bad. (On Friendship, syafeeq)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

~fEel DamN wiThouT U~

DOnt know how to started my story..
BtW,this is my 1st time using this Blogs..
may be my story for this time will be a very sad n fun storry.
this story is all about my love to my Honey..
HEHEHe...her name is kameliA..
act,i just know her..
but,dunno..I finally fall in love with her..
it was a very strange feeling..until i dunno how to describe it..
any way,for u my dear...i really love and need u..
hmmm,i have alot of story to share..
its all about us..for ur information,i feel so damn without u dear..
i dunno why my heart will keep saying that i miss u..
that was not only a sweet words..but the words was really come from the bottom of my heart..for me u are everything..with u,is easy for me too feel jelouse..
huh,dunno why i feel like only me have that feeling..
i really hope that u also loving me like the way i love u..
i always feel that u are just try to have some fun with me..
y ahhhhh...??
owh god,please tell her that i really love her...
act,i have 1 question for u..
did't u miss me???
huh,y i feel like only me miss and always try to find u..
u just look like take it easy..
dear,please be honest with me..
if u really love n care bout me please do like what u should do..
donT threat me like this hOney..
i just want u always with me...
and only me in your heart..
i want u to love me like how much i love u..
hope u can understand me,always be beside me,and always support me dear..
please threat me like your boyfriend..
not like UR friend or BesTfrieNd...!!!
huh...i really touching with what u r doing now..
i just want some attention from u..
any way,sorry because always disturb n ignoring u..
just want to say that i love u..
my love just for u..huh,all in your hand..
only u can make the dicission wheither u want to change or still threat me like the way u threat me now..
thats all dear..
any way,take care..
i love u always k..
please give some space in your heart for da guys name syafeeq...
i know that i am not perfect like ur last last n last boyfriend..
but,what i know is no one can love u like how much i love u..
i really need more attention from u...
please kameliaa.......
hope after u read all this u will make me feel more better..
..hope i will be da only prince i ur heart..