Sunday, November 1, 2009

~fEel DamN wiThouT U~

DOnt know how to started my story..
BtW,this is my 1st time using this Blogs..
may be my story for this time will be a very sad n fun storry.
this story is all about my love to my Honey..
HEHEHe...her name is kameliA..
act,i just know her..
but,dunno..I finally fall in love with her..
it was a very strange feeling..until i dunno how to describe it..
any way,for u my dear...i really love and need u..
hmmm,i have alot of story to share..
its all about us..for ur information,i feel so damn without u dear..
i dunno why my heart will keep saying that i miss u..
that was not only a sweet words..but the words was really come from the bottom of my heart..for me u are everything..with u,is easy for me too feel jelouse..
huh,dunno why i feel like only me have that feeling..
i really hope that u also loving me like the way i love u..
i always feel that u are just try to have some fun with me..
y ahhhhh...??
owh god,please tell her that i really love her...
act,i have 1 question for u..
did't u miss me???
huh,y i feel like only me miss and always try to find u..
u just look like take it easy..
dear,please be honest with me..
if u really love n care bout me please do like what u should do..
donT threat me like this hOney..
i just want u always with me...
and only me in your heart..
i want u to love me like how much i love u..
hope u can understand me,always be beside me,and always support me dear..
please threat me like your boyfriend..
not like UR friend or BesTfrieNd...!!!
huh...i really touching with what u r doing now..
i just want some attention from u..
any way,sorry because always disturb n ignoring u..
just want to say that i love u..
my love just for u..huh,all in your hand..
only u can make the dicission wheither u want to change or still threat me like the way u threat me now..
thats all dear..
any way,take care..
i love u always k..
please give some space in your heart for da guys name syafeeq...
i know that i am not perfect like ur last last n last boyfriend..
but,what i know is no one can love u like how much i love u..
i really need more attention from u...
please kameliaa.......
hope after u read all this u will make me feel more better..
..hope i will be da only prince i ur heart..


syafeeQ said...

i love my dear..
i just wanna be da only man in ur heart..
please always be beside me n always give ur full support to me..
i love u sooooo muchhhh dear..
please dont make me feel down...

214_aTiRiAnZ!!!! said...